
Goth Girl-Chris Riddell for Nosy Crow reading group

We'll be discussing Goth Girl -Chris Riddell for February's reading group run by Nosy Crow. It's the most LUSHEST produced book I own! It's got a velvety touch and gloss cover, the end papers are foil, there's a little tiny book inside the book and the pages are edged in purple foil!! Not to mention the ridiculous amazing illustrations inside. <3 nbsp="" p="">


The squirrel planted snowdrop second year on...

Last year a squirrel dug a whole in one of my plant pots and deposited for me a snowdrop bulb, which has flowered again this year, and with two extra buds! :) Lovely!

The beds are getting busy with spring bulbs too, getting a head start


Small Engine Repair - Serve Yourself

Ta da!! My other half's band he's in done and made a video for the song off their debut album!! Just look at that lovely green gretsch :)


Happy New Year mailouts!

So back to it and onto the mailouts! I had the postcards printed by Inkysolutions for free for my prize winning the they draw horses don't they competition :)

(ignore the messy fireplace please! :D )


Xmas and New Year!

So before leaving London to spend a few days with my family in Hereford, I went to the Carols by Candlelight at the Royal Albert Hall. Glorious as ever, and the orchestra in 18th C costume to boot!

Samson wasn't best pleased about travelling back to Hereford...

And then it was all over so quickly after seeing my favourite friends and family and we were back home in London!
Samson made the most of his traumatic travelling by demanding constant feeding of Stilton...
And for New Years Eve, we spent it with friends at The Antelope in Tooting, where there was a medieval banquet and hay was strewn everywhere! :)

So Happy New Year to you! Hope it brings everything you wish for.